Content Guidelines

Write with respect.

Everything we do is to help support aspiring authors.

Don't harm others

Don't harm


Don't harm others













We want aspiring authors to be able to explore every avenue of creative writing, spanning all

genres and themes, drawing from real experience or imagined worlds. We welcome you to

provide feedback to your peers, and to engage in valuable and relevant discussions.

However, for the protection, inclusion, and enjoyment of all Daily Prompt users, we ask you

to adhere to some guidelines about what is acceptable content. Please read the below to find

out how you can help keep your writing community safe and happy.


Don’t harm others

We do not tolerate abusive comments, or indeed stories which are clearly directed at an

individual. You may base your writings on real people, but we do not tolerate authors directly

targeting others (whether app users or people outside the app), sharing personal information,

or harassing others. 

You are of course encouraged to give constructive criticism, but the aim of this should be to

aid authors, not to tear them down.


Be Respectful

You are welcome to express your personal opinions through your writing, and to create

characters who reflect strong ideas. However, forceful opinions that deliberately instigate

offense and distress in an unhelpful or inconsiderate way, may be banned.


Be Relevant

Most of our prompts allow you complete freedom with genre and theme, but if you write

distasteful or irrelevant content that is unrelated to storytelling then we may hide or remove

your writing. Daily Prompt is first and foremost a fictional writing app; it is not your diary

entry, social media feed, or personal blog.

Themes we do not condone include:

Graphic sexual content

Sex and sexuality are important parts of life, and this can be reflected in storytelling; we are

perfectly happy for you to write about this theme. However, inappropriate, vulgar, misleading

or graphic sexual content – that we feel does not contribute to your story – may be privatised

or removed.


Religious promotion

We often see religious characters, settings and references in fictional novels. However, we do

not tolerate the promotion or advertising of religious materials, particularly when it is not part

of your story. Links to religious sites, prayer clubs, citing of religious texts (outside of your

storyline), or any other direction to religious material is prohibited, and will be banned. Daily

Prompt is a fictional writing platform where evangelising will not be tolerated.


Political bias

Although you are welcome to write about political and social ideas in your writing, including

sharing your own views, we do not tolerate the sharing of propaganda in any form. The vast

majority of prompts direct fictional writing, so outright political advocacy will rarely be

deemed appropriate on our platform.

Writing is a very personal pursuit, and we understand that each of your stories will be driven

by varying intentions and ideas. On the open platform of Daily Prompt, where an inclusive

and constructive community is a strong support for our writers, we want you all to progress

your fiction writing in a secure and encouraging environment. If you repeatedly breach

community guidelines we have the right to ban your writings or suspend your account. 

If you see any content that you think is not appropriate for Daily Prompt, please report it in

the app, or send an email to


Sharing content

We know aspiring writers want to promote their work, and that many of you have personal blogs or websites where you share your stories from Daily Prompt. Sharing your content is encouraged, however, we do have some advice about sharing image content outside of the Daily Prompt platform.

  • If you see an image that is from Unsplash, this is an open source domain and you may include this image alongside your stories on any personal sharing pages. It is respectful to include the name of the photographer, which you can find with the prompt.

  • Any other images have come from artists and photographers that we have specifically asked for permission to share their copyrighted images, and we ask that you do not share them alongside your writings anywhere outside of the Daily Prompt platform.